Here are some of the challenges I can help you with:
- Low self-confidence/Self-worth
- Intrusive/negative thoughts
- Depression or feelings of dissociation/ Feeling numb
- Feeling of failure/ feeling not good enough
- Relationship blocks/arguing
- Paranoid/worry
- Phobia
- Addiction
- Self-harm.
- Disordered eating
- Trauma
- Family conflict resolution
- Anger management
- Sexual orientation/Identity

Individual Therapy
Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. Through counselling, we are able to recover the motivation, perspective, and joy that you once had in your life. Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances. Anxiety, fear, and hopelessness are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. I can help you overcome these symptoms and guide you through the process of grief and healing to once again live your life in freedom.
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Relationship and Couples Therapy
Relationship counselling can be beneficial to couples who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection, in all stages of their relationship. Relationship therapy can also be about working on the relationship you have with yourself, if you feel like the words you use to describe yourself or how you are feeling are negative and are getting in the way of you living a normal healthy life, then working on this in therapy in a non-judgemental space, can help you to learn to love yourself again.
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Under 18's
Children often find it hard to open up to family, friends and teachers about what is worrying them, as they don’t want to worry those they love. Speaking with a trained counsellor, who can listen without judgment and be someone who they won’t be afraid to open up to, could be all your child needs. We know that children feel Overwhelmed at times with their ever-changing emotions and sometimes, these can feel out of control. Counselling helps them to learn how to reflect and work out for themselves, ways in which they can feel more in control of their emotions and thoughts. I can help children from 11 yrs+. Please select concessions when making your booking.
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